a great band

Big Time Rush

You might have already seen my post on Imagine Dragons by now. If not, here’s a summery. I wanted to create a V/S post on Bands.

But then i realized how stupid that idea is because there’s no proper way to judge them.

So instead it has became a criteria where i can just quickly write something up for the lack of time, while giving somewhat proper content.

So today, i will tell you guys about one of my favorite bands of all time, big time rush.

I first found out about them by their show on nickelodeon, named “Big Time Rush”.

Which is still one of the best comedy series i have watched. All 4 seasons. Heck i have watched the first season 5-8 times. It’s fantastic, bit childish(it’s on nickelodeon), but fantastic.

And the songs, they were just as good, even more than it. Each song is so well done that i can almost recite them after hearing it for the 2nd time.

From Big Time Rush to We Are, they have such a wide variety of songs, i have listened to them endlessly for the last 6 years. Just give their songs a go.

Even though there band has broken up, kendall (Smith? The lead guy), still sings and gives us amazing songs.

Like this post if you have heard about them before, i will see you guys next time.

Recommend me...

Let’s Imagine Dragons, for some reason?

Hello everyone and welcome back.

You may be wondering what i am doing with this post? Why i have made this post?

You see, i planned to make a V/S post against another band. But then i realized that nobody will like that. And in what criteria will i judged them on?

There was no way for me to be not biased. Hence, i will just recommend them to you one by one.

Like a default style post, whenever i don’t have time for one.

SO today let me tell you about a band, that i literally one of the best i have ever seen.

Every song, that i have heard have just filled me up with so much energy that i can run around the world without stopping, until i remember i can’t.

And can i say the diversity of the songs they have. From “Its time” to “Enemy” they have so much unique songs, from which 50% of them are just gonna make you run around the world.

other half have the kinda of sad tone, yet the music is something so unique that you can point it out in a, place with many songs? Tell me in the comments if you know the right word for it.

I would really recommend this band, just give it a try.

Recommend me an interesting Anime

Bungo Stray Dogs

Did you know each character in this show is a real life author? I didn’t.

Anyway, Hello everyone and welcome back. Today i am here with an anime that is getting a 4th season. Do you know how rare that is nowadays?

So let’s not waste time and catch up, and see why this is so popular, and what i hate about this.


Studio: Bones, Nomad

Episodes: 12 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 12(12min) + 12

Voice Actors: Mamoru, Yuuto, Shiina, Kensho, Hiroshi, Sora, Takahiro, Asami, Yoshimasa, Kishou, Toshiyuki, Chiaki, Akira, Junichi

Genre: Action, Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural, Super Power, Seinen


When i started the show, i didn’t knew what to expect. Which was good thing as i was genuinely surprised by it.

If you ask me the story, i would have a bit of hard time telling you as there isn’t an overarching story, like defeating the titans, or defeating Dio.

It is about this detective agency, in a world where people with power exist in hiding. And then there the Mafia.

There are seasonal goals, like Rescuing Kyoko, defeating The Guild, or saving the Bosses from both organization from Fyodor. You can even say defeating the Port mafia is the big goal.

Which is sidelined time to time. And the flashbacks, by god the first 3(4?) episodes of season 2 is still my favorite from this series.

And if you remember, i said that there are people with superhuman powers, yeah that is a big part of the show. And i would say you will not be disappointed by it.

The powers themselves may not be super unique all the time, but there is a very good variety of it, from simple powers like Strength to trapping people in a book until they solve a puzzle, or creating something out of thin air just by writing it.

But they don’t come without any restrains, and add that to the characters and their personalities, and you have an amazing action sequences.

The Best Quality:

And yes, the best quality of the show, has to be the characters.

They are the best, from their personalities to their relationships, personal values and beliefs.

Or the fact that even being so different from each other, they have something so similar that ties their story to one another.

It is something that you would really like, or at least agree is one of the best ensemble of characters.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some problems.

Like for example, the first season, you could see it was trying to find it’s footing. Compared to later seasons, it was mid.

And then there was Akutagawa. He is a character with a lot of problems, atleast i had a lot with him. I never enjoyed him being on screen. Or his personality, or his character all together.

His sister was a better character with very few lines and scenes compared to him.

Common Criticism:
Season 2 dissapointment

Season 1 was mid, but season 2 opening arc was so amazing, it raised the bar so much that the main story of the 2nd season couldn’t catch up.

But it’s still better than season 1, and the villain, he was a threat to both Detective agency and the port mafia.

Season 3 opening arc was just as amazing, but the 3rd season actually holds up to it.


Not the best character, not the best main character.

The Conclusion:

It is really good anime with a rocky start.

It has amazing characters, and good story to keep you in.

The 2 main characters, Atsushi and Akutagawa sucks, but the rest make up for it.

It gets more good as it goes on. And the opening arcs are one of the best parts about this show.

So, what do you guys think? Is this a good and interesting anime? Should this be popular? Like this post if you do.

If you guys want to see more recommendation check other my other posts, i also post recommendations on Movies, games, music, software, youtube and so on.

Make sure to follow me to get this and a lot of other kind of content straight to your email. I know who reads emails? Well, that’s what happens when someone follows me, i don’t know how to shut that off, atleast not now.

So i will see you guys next time, in this world of greatness.

Recommend me an interesting Anime

A World About Colors: Iroduku

P.A. Works are kinda known for preferring original anime over an adaptation.

Most of them been pretty good, and Iroduku was one of them.

Hello everyone and Welcome back, today i am here with an anime that you might have heard about, or more likely never heard about it at all, a hidden gem in my opinion.

Warning: I watched this show quite a while ago, so i don’t remember all the stuff that happens.

With that out of the way, Let’s get started.


Studio: P.A. Works

Episodes: 13

Voice Actors: Kaori, Kaede, Shouya, Kana, Ayumu, Nao, Seiji

Genre: Drama, Supernatural,  School, Romance

MAL: 7.5/10 | AniList 7.3/10 | Imdb: 7.3/10

Created by Natsuka Yashio, Iroduku is about a girl going back in time, and spent some days with her young grandmother, unwillingly ofcource.

The entire show is about her dealing with her insecurities and overcoming it. And can i just say how beautifully it was done.

The relationships, you can see it growing, you get invested in it.

As each episode goes by you see her getting better, her problems fading away, and then comes the ending.

Which i won’t even talk about, because its very obvious, yet way too sad.

The Best Quality:

With a show having colors in the title, it’s best quality had to be it’s artwork. Which is not getting any justice in the pictures i put here.

As the artwork is just amazing, 90% of the time.

Not to mention how these amazing sequences just blends into the scene.

You may have noticed that the section above are very small.

The reason for that is very simple. This isn’t for everyone.

It is very clear from episode one, not to mention the fact that it takes time building tings up, so the first half is real slow(Boringish) compared to the 2nd half.

But i would say things get better from episode 3. Or after the young grandmother comes in.

Again, the characters itself are good, but depending on your taste they might seem quite bland.

Not just the characters as the story itself is very simple, no matter how good it has been executed. Making it quite predictable and boring.

The Conclusion:

It’s a great show with a very simple plot and great visuals.

Only issue is it’s very slow in the beginning and van be felt bit boring if you have taken enough content of same genre, as this doesn’t offer much new stuff.

Op and end are skipable. If you give it a shot, you might like it, just watch more than 1 episode.

This may not seem like a good anime, but i am one of those people who didn’t mind it being slow, hence i had a lot of fun watching this.

What about you? have already watched this? if so, then tell me in the comment what did you think about it?

If you guys want to see more recommendation check other my other posts, i also post recommendations on Movies, games, music, software, youtube and so on.

Make sure to follow me to get this and a lot of other kind of content straight to your email. I know who reads emails? Well, that’s what happens when someone follows me, i don’t know how to shut that off, atleast not now.

So i will see you guys next time, in this world of greatness.

Recommend me a new Series

Arcane: A new Legend

Hello and welcome back to my hub.

Arcane hit the world like a storm. I on one hand didn’t even knew it existed until December last year.

So i thought, if i am gonna do a post on Series, what better way to start it if not by talking about Arcane.

And while most people have already watched it, you may still be on edge about it, or didn’t knew about it, or thought it won’t be good but it turned out to be amazing and have took it on your pride to don’t watch it, i am looking at you Jujutsu Kaisen, i will never watch you!

Anyway, let’s get this started, I am Mr Paradox and today i will tell you about Arcane. I will try to make it spoiler free as possible, but it has still a minor spoiler(kinda) in there.

Few Details:

From: Netflix

Episodes: 9

Status: Currently Running



IMDB: 9.1, Official Website: Arcane

Arcane is a prequel to League of Legends, a game i only know about from Conner from Trash Taste. Not the story of it ofcource, so i basically went blind in it.

And it was phenomenal, that’s how i felt watching every episode. And that opening from Imagine Dragons, what can i say about it.

This show had everything i could have hoped for, well not everything, i wanted more Jaycee fighting.

Anyway, before i talk about things i love, i should first talk about:

Things that i didn’t liked.

And on that list the first item is the ending. It was not an ending, it was a goddamn cliffhanger.

50% of the plot is left on air for the 2nd season, something that i want so bad and have to wait for, hopefully not for 6 years.

The 2nd thing on that list is the story, kinda. You see, while the story of the sisters was the main focus and i loved it, the thing is, The Topside got the short hand in it.

Mel story was just introduced and her character is not fleshed out enough for us to care.

Victor story was good, but is left hanging, Hermingder(or something his name is real hard) just started his story just like mel.

And Jaycee, he’s such a big character, the 100th champion, and the most interesting story aspect about him, is the stuff happening around him, instead of with him.

I still love him, totally because he has a big ass hammer with him.

And the final thing(SPOILERS) is the end of the first act(3rd episode), it was unexpected, and something that i don’t expected a 12year old to do. Then again it may because i was too mature for 12year when i was that age.

But to go under the guy who kidnapped Vander and almost killed them, why? Just why? I know it was for story, but it was never made sense to me.

Now that all that is done, let’s talk about(Spoiler free from now on):

What i love about Arcane:

It was marvelous, it was like What if animation but better. It was Unique and so much alive. Each scene, each moment, it was breathtaking.

Story Imapct

While the story has problems in it somewhat, it’s still something that felt unique. You get caught up in it, you want to know what’s next, what happens now? Each story plot, as minor it is, is something that draws you in, and never let’s go.


The most i connected with characters, definitely on top 3. Each of them were so alive, as they had a life before we met them, that they mattered somewhat.

You will cry when they do, you will laugh when they do, they are one of the most humane characters i have ever seen.

In conclusion:

I know the last section was shorter than the “things i hate” section, but even then i have to say how amzing this was.

Yes it had flaws, it took me 3 days to come up with all that, i was being extremely nit-picking in that, and then that how little i got to hate.

On the other hand the things i loved was left short because i didn’t wanted to spoil it to you. Tension of each episode, the emotions. It’s something you don’t want to miss.

So yeah, this was my first review of a series, i don’t think this is the best way it could have done. But i am pretty happy with what i have here for you.

I will see you guys again, next week, in this world of greatness.

Recommend me an interesting Anime

86: Mecha rise back!

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today i am here with a show, that have brought back Mecha.

Who am i kidding Darling in the Franxxx did that, this is the show that seen the potential and success of that, and thought to get some of it for themselves, and somwhere along the lines, they ended up creating one of the best Mecha anime in out time, which i mean after 2010.

Yes, you know who am i talking About, so why don’t we begin already.


Studio: A-1 Pictures

Episodes: 11 + 12

Voice Actors: Ikumi, Shouya, Sayumi, Saori, Natsumi, Seiichirou, Misaki, Yuuya

Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi


86 was really a surprise, as i didn’t expected it to be soo good.

This series picks up and leaves you in the ending stage of a war. With the fact that everything will be over in 2 years.

Going to war are the people from 86th district. Essentially, everyone who’s hair and eyes are not silver.

This people, or most importantly kids, go through war each day for the nation while the people in them don’t even consider them human.

The contrast we see between them, and there’s differences. How they look at each other, how there words are not even considered.

And then when they go to another hero, they are seen as these pitiable beings, and people want to give them a better life, ignoring what they want and how they lived there lives so far.

And i am not even mentioning the story or action in this.

The Action is really good, much do my surprise, is good enough to not skip. And the story is better left on it’s own for you to enjoy.

The Best Quality:

IT has to be the cinematography, or in simple terms, how each scene is done, the foreshadowing, the angles, expressions.

You may say it’s more part of the Story, which it is, but i think this describes it better as this covers most of the aspect not associate with story.

Now, i am not saying this show doesn’t have flaws, but most of them are ignored, so here’s a small list of them:

Common Criticism:
The slow pacing of the show

I Have to say, this is way too slow paced, too many times.

I can’t watch this show in less than 2.5x Speed. I know it may be different for different people.

And i know it’s for good reason, you can see it yourself but i still don’t like it.

too much on the nose

If it was forgettable, i wouldn’t be recommending this to you. If you watch like 500 Shows or such, then i think it would be hard to remember this show, otherwise, it’s quite memorable.

The Mystery element surely suffers from the pacing issues as well, also with the fact how much story they tried to shove it in.

The Conclusion:

It’s a good anime, without a doubt an interesting one, like i promised.

Yes it has flaws, a lot of them, but even then it entertains us well enough, and it’s different from what we usually get from anime seasonally.

And i think it adapted the story well enough as well.

So, what do you guys think? Is this a good and interesting anime? Like this post if you do.

If you guys want to see more recommendation check other my other posts, i also post recommendations on Movies, games, music, software, youtube and so on.

Make sure to follow me to get this and a lot of other kind of content straight to your email. I know who reads emails? Well, that’s what happens when someone follows me, i don’t know how to shut that off, atleast not now.

So i will see you guys next time, in this world of greatness.

Recommend me a new Software

Evernote: Have your heard about it?

Whenever i start to look for a new software i always see the name Evernote in top.

I never knew why? So i researched it one day, and after seeing it’s just a notes software(Duh!) I started to ignore it again.

Until i had a need to keep small notes, and making tons of extra files for it seemed like a hassle. Here Comes Evernote.

Hello everyone and welcome back, and today i will tell you guys why Evernote is Awesome.

Evernote is a Free and Offline Software that allows you to keep notes, i have the free plan so i will be reviewing on that basis, i don’t know what the paid version offers.

One of the best Thing about this was how simple it was, yeah it took me a while to understand what the “notebooks” were, i absolutely don’t know why, otherwise, it was really user-friendly.

The options for adding tags makes it all even better to organize.

The notes themselves are also very simple with all the functionality on the top, and the clear screen on the bottom:

As you can see above, i have created a table and colored few of those and highlighted few letters. Unfortunately ever since i found trello, i have less need for this, but it still comes in hand time to time.

And don’t worry, that snapshot is smaller than the actual window size. And you can open the note in a separate window as well.

After creating an account here, you can sync it anytime using net and back it up online, i can also export it outside of Evernote.

So far there is no actual limit to how many notes i can make, while there are limit to how much you can back up, but you don’t have to worry about it here.

My complain sometimes comes from navigation, which is not really that bad or something, and while simple and efficient, it just doesn’t look that good at all.

And it’s not a very good task manager app, and a todo list.

But other than that, it’s awesome, if you actually need it, unlike me.

So what do you say about it? Is it something you are interested in? Why don’t you tell me in the comments?

While you are down here, why don’t you also subscribe, interested in Movie? Check out my last week Post about The Martian and Geostorm.

Or you can go and listen to my podcast where me and my sister talks about movies from It’s a mad mad mad mad world to The Sucide Squad.

I will see you guys soon, in the world of greatness.

Recommend me a fun game

The Legend of Grimrock: The Game That made me love Pc Games

It was late 2017, i finally decided to venture in the world of PC Games. But i had few worries and was quite cautious, i didn’t wanted to accidently download a virus or something.

After quite some research, i found a clip of a game, that was The Legend Of Grimrock, by Almost Human.

Hello everyone and welcome back, today let me tell you something about The Legend of Grimrock and The Legend of Grimrock 2.

Studio: Almost Human Ltd.

Size: Grimrock – 450Mb, Grimrock 2 – 800Mb

Internet: Nope

Minimum Ram Requirements: 2GB

Playtime: Grimrock – 27Hours, Grimrock 2 – 42Hours

These games are inspired by old classic Dungeon Crawler games. And it’s very evident from the beginning, especially when you play the first game.

One of the things i loved in this game was the fact that we get an option for a low end pc, meaning you can most probably play these game even if you have old specs.

The Gameplay is also quite simple yet fun and not feel repetitive. Specially in the 2nd game, which is leagues above compared to the first one. But we will do the comparison later on.

One of the main selling points of the game is the puzzles. Which, to be honest, are quite puzzling time to time. I really enjoyed those, sometimes.

Sometimes however, i hated it, and had to look for instruction online, which i done like 3 to 6 times altogether.

The Combat system is also simple but strangely fun as you take on bows and hammers, and a variety of spells against a diverse enemy groups. Especially crabs, there are one of the most dangerous enemies in this, after squidface wizards and DRAGONS.

The next thing that both of these game have is the Dungeon Editor. Yes, you can create your own dungeons(And all the other variants of it) very easily, i have spent hours on this.

The joy of making your own level and then playing it, one can easily spent 200 Hours on these games. And i have not even mention the character creation part, that alone have took me 40 Minutes as how immerse i was in it.

Now let’s do a comparison between the two as we talk about few negative points of this game:

Legend of Grimrock

Has no main plot

Have a very compelling sub-plot about Isaac

Have 13 Levels total taking place inside a mountain

Has not much of a diversity in enemies and Locations

A Very Unique Main Villain

One Ending

Great Choice for Character Creation

Great Puzzles

Have Easier time using Dungeon Editor

Has a sequel

Legend of Grimrock 2

Has no main plot

Have no sub-plot

Has over 40 Levels taking place all over an island

Filled with diversity of enemies, locations, and enemy fighing style.

A good Build up of the villain

2 Endings

Enormous and way more dangerous Villains

Too Many choices for character Creations(Can get too Confusing the first time)

Mediocre Puzzles

Dungeon editor is bit hard to use in this one

Will not have a sequel

Unfortunately, there won’t be 3rd sequel to this game, this, which was one of the best game i have played. But i can always come and visit these games, as they have shown me a joy that i can never forget.

In Conclusion:

Both of these games are so good, that i – from bottom of my heart – recommend you to check out atleast once.

They are not big in size, you don’t need internet to play these, and can entertain yo for 100s of hours, or at very least, 60Hours.


So, that’s it, Have you played the game before? If so tell me in the comments how much you liked it? Or if you have hated me, tell me why too!

I will see you guys again next week. Till Then, have a time playing some games.

Recommend me an interesting Anime

Akudama Drive And the 3 episodes That everybody hated

Hello everyone, and welcome back.

Today i am here with an anime, which is something not many expected when it was airing. And it just fizzle out after the end of the season without many people even talking about it, so i thought, this is something that you guys will like.

Once again, i think you guys already know which anime we will be talking about today.


Studio: Studio Pierrot

Episodes: 12

Voice Actors: Takahiro, Tomoyo, Yuuichirou, Shun, Shunsuke, Megumi, Subaru, Akio, Yumiri

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Action,  Sci-Fi

MAL: 7/10 | AniList 8/10| Imdb 7/10

Personally, I loved this. From the first episode Akudama Drive hooks you in, be it aesthetic or the story, there is something that will hook you in.

The story is really good and so unexpected, that it will make it so refreshing to watch each episode, as this is quite different from most shows airing each season, which feels like re-skin of a show that you have already watched.

I also like the fact that there is no Plot Armor, people will die, People from the Main Group will Die at somepoint, who and when, is not something i think you should know.

The Artwork is also amazing, and unique then most anime’s.

Fun Fact: All the episodes title is actually name of Hollywood Movies.

The Best Quality:

It had to be the world or the plot twists.

The world of this anime is so, lived in, that it feels like it existed way before our characters did, and it will continue to grow and change with time.

On the other hand. The plot twist is also something that shook me. It was surprising. You will not be able to think where the story is going.

If it has perfection then it has flaws.

Personally, i didn’t find many, but what i did find is also part of some:

Common Criticism:
Dull Characters

Sometimes, the character feel dull, and plain. And ofcource you will feel that.

Because most of the time, they don’t change. They were exactly how they were when first introduced, the brainless brawler, is a brainless brawler, a murdering psychopath is a murdering psychopath. Most of them don’t even get Backstories.

The 2nd Half

The 2nd Half had some problems, namely 3 episodes.

No matter who you are, there is a chance you will not like 3 episodes from this show, which 3 depends on your taste.

I don’t know why it is, but somehow it is. For me, one of the episodes was episode 5. I just didn’t like it at all.

Death with NO Impact

Some people found the death to be impact less, which is understandable. If you remember, one of the problems of this show is somewhat dull characters.

I don’t usually pick up on it, but if you do, you will most probably don’t feel any impact from the death.

Straight Forward Story

The story, while i find it really good or crazy. It’s something that you can expect real easy if you pay attention to detail too much, or have watched many animes or heist movies. Because, i am being honest, it’s not really that out of the world, just a good mix-match of them.

The Conclusion:

It’s an amazing show, it has great plot twists, it’s different from what you get usually from anime.

While it’s story is not so unique, and can get somewhat predictable with some shallow characters, it’s really doesn’t stop it from being really enjoyable.

So, what do you guys think? Is this a good and interesting anime? Like this post if you do.

If you have already watched this, then tell me in the comment who was your favorite character. Are you also reading the manga adaption of it?

If you guys want to see more recommendation check other my other posts, i also post recommendations on Movies, games, music, software, youtube and so on.

Make sure to follow me to get this and a lot of other kind of content straight to your email. I know who reads emails? Well, that’s what happens when someone follows me, i don’t know how to shut that off, atleast not now.

So i will see you guys next time, in this world of greatness.

Recommend me an interesting Anime

Island: A Romance Anime that sometimes confuses the viewers lot more than it should

Hello everyone, this is my first post, on this blog so i am really excited to see how it goes.

And i thought, what better way to start thing off than to talk about Anime.

Yes, and i think you guys already know which anime we will be talking about today.


Studio: feel.

Episodes: 12

Voice Actors: Yukari, Kana, Hibiku, Tatsuhisa, Rina

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi

MAL: 6/10 | AniList 7/10| Imdb 5/10

It is adapted from a visual novel from the same name. They literally complied 33 Hours of Content(Including all Routes) in 4 hours. And i have to say, they did a pretty good job in it.

From the animation to the Voice Acting, it was all top notch.

The characters felt unique and different from your usual anime’s.

The chemistry between the characters is really good. And i really liked the love story in this.

But what really sold this was:

The Best Quality:

The Music, the songs in this show was amazing, from the opening to the song Rinne always sings. They really elevates the show more than i can say.

The song, Lasting Memories, is sang by Yukari Tamura, and it’s really beautiful. So is the OP and ED who is sang by the same artist.

The thing that suffered most because of this adaptation, was the story. I have not played the game, but i can see that they pulled something from all the routes and tried to put it together in a cohesive story.

Which works, for most of the time. Except that sometimes it doesn’t explain how events are connected, or how time is working in this. While this doesn’t spur many issues, the ending or the 2nd half of the series suffers from it, as you might be easily confused by it. I was.

Common Criticism:
Pacing is shit!

I agree, a lot of the times, pacing is just bad. It goes from cheeky fun to mystery and highschool slice of life in 5 – 10 minutes. But you only notices it if you are Veteran Weeb, such as myself. If you just Entered the world of anime, i think you will like it wel enough.

It’s forettable

If it was forgettable, i wouldn’t be recommending this to you. If you watch like 500 Shows or such, then i think it would be hard to remember this show, otherwise, it’s quite memorable.

The Sci-Fi/Mystery

This is a big one, most people didn’t liked the Sci-Fi Side of the show, and was bored because the Mystery aspect was not good and was dragged on because of bad pacing.

I will say, there’s a big chance that the Sci-Fi element of this show will bore you or make you dislike the anime, and that’s something you should keep on mind before starting this, having high expectations is not really good when watching anime.

The Mystery element surely suffers from the pacing issues as well, also with the fact how much story they tried to shove it in.

Blank main character

Setsuna, is your normal VN protagonist, one without much personality. But it doesn’t work in Anime, so yes Setsuna is quite Blank.

The Conclusion:

It’s a good anime, without a doubt an interesting one, like i promised.

Yes it has flaws, a lot of them, but even then it entertains us well enough, and it’s different from what we usually get from anime seasonally.

And i think it adapted the story well enough as well.

So, what do you guys think? Is this a good and interesting anime? Like this post if you do.

If you guys want to see more recommendation check other my other posts, i also post recommendations on Movies, games, music, software, youtube and so on.

Make sure to follow me to get this and a lot of other kind of content straight to your email. I know who reads emails? Well, that’s what happens when someone follows me, i don’t know how to shut that off, atleast not now.

So i will see you guys next time, in this world of greatness.