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Arcane: A new Legend

Hello and welcome back to my hub.

Arcane hit the world like a storm. I on one hand didn’t even knew it existed until December last year.

So i thought, if i am gonna do a post on Series, what better way to start it if not by talking about Arcane.

And while most people have already watched it, you may still be on edge about it, or didn’t knew about it, or thought it won’t be good but it turned out to be amazing and have took it on your pride to don’t watch it, i am looking at you Jujutsu Kaisen, i will never watch you!

Anyway, let’s get this started, I am Mr Paradox and today i will tell you about Arcane. I will try to make it spoiler free as possible, but it has still a minor spoiler(kinda) in there.

Few Details:

From: Netflix

Episodes: 9

Status: Currently Running



IMDB: 9.1, Official Website: Arcane

Arcane is a prequel to League of Legends, a game i only know about from Conner from Trash Taste. Not the story of it ofcource, so i basically went blind in it.

And it was phenomenal, that’s how i felt watching every episode. And that opening from Imagine Dragons, what can i say about it.

This show had everything i could have hoped for, well not everything, i wanted more Jaycee fighting.

Anyway, before i talk about things i love, i should first talk about:

Things that i didn’t liked.

And on that list the first item is the ending. It was not an ending, it was a goddamn cliffhanger.

50% of the plot is left on air for the 2nd season, something that i want so bad and have to wait for, hopefully not for 6 years.

The 2nd thing on that list is the story, kinda. You see, while the story of the sisters was the main focus and i loved it, the thing is, The Topside got the short hand in it.

Mel story was just introduced and her character is not fleshed out enough for us to care.

Victor story was good, but is left hanging, Hermingder(or something his name is real hard) just started his story just like mel.

And Jaycee, he’s such a big character, the 100th champion, and the most interesting story aspect about him, is the stuff happening around him, instead of with him.

I still love him, totally because he has a big ass hammer with him.

And the final thing(SPOILERS) is the end of the first act(3rd episode), it was unexpected, and something that i don’t expected a 12year old to do. Then again it may because i was too mature for 12year when i was that age.

But to go under the guy who kidnapped Vander and almost killed them, why? Just why? I know it was for story, but it was never made sense to me.

Now that all that is done, let’s talk about(Spoiler free from now on):

What i love about Arcane:

It was marvelous, it was like What if animation but better. It was Unique and so much alive. Each scene, each moment, it was breathtaking.

Story Imapct

While the story has problems in it somewhat, it’s still something that felt unique. You get caught up in it, you want to know what’s next, what happens now? Each story plot, as minor it is, is something that draws you in, and never let’s go.


The most i connected with characters, definitely on top 3. Each of them were so alive, as they had a life before we met them, that they mattered somewhat.

You will cry when they do, you will laugh when they do, they are one of the most humane characters i have ever seen.

In conclusion:

I know the last section was shorter than the “things i hate” section, but even then i have to say how amzing this was.

Yes it had flaws, it took me 3 days to come up with all that, i was being extremely nit-picking in that, and then that how little i got to hate.

On the other hand the things i loved was left short because i didn’t wanted to spoil it to you. Tension of each episode, the emotions. It’s something you don’t want to miss.

So yeah, this was my first review of a series, i don’t think this is the best way it could have done. But i am pretty happy with what i have here for you.

I will see you guys again, next week, in this world of greatness.